Different Cities
video / color / 59min. / May. 2006
Have you ever lost your way in your own town? When you are lost, the city where you live changes to an imaginary place. The world is not unchanging. At that time, you are in... "Different Cities". No one knows their destination.

to "Different Cities" special site
Seigen Tokuzawa
Takanaka Shimotsuki
Kaori Nishioka
Koshi Ikegami
Chiaki Yamase
Satoru Arai
Daisuke Ito
Kinue Oneda
Aki Takaoka
Mari Takaoka
Tomoko Kanda (voice)
Naoto Yokota
screenplay Kazuhiro Goshima
photography Masaru Fuchigami, Shinji Yoshida, Kazuhiro Goshima
3DCG Kazuya Sakagami
graphic design Shintaro Minami
music Tetsuya Yamamoto
"Our Words" music by anonymass